YA Guild
Welcome to the Young Adventurer's Guild!

The Young Adventurers Guild is a Dungeons and Dragons program designed to provide an age-appropriate experience for groups of children ages 10-12 and 13-17.
Each adventure will be run by one of our staff members for a group of 4-6 players. They will be scheduled weekly based on a time that works best for its members.
Each adventure will be run by one of our staff members for a group of 4-6 players. They will be scheduled weekly based on a time that works best for its members.
The cost per session will be $25.00. Guild Guardians will be able to either pay when dropping off their children each week or can pay ahead of time for five sessions for a bundle price of $100.00.
We are currently running multiple groups that have open seats!
For inquires about the program please
email yaguild@tabletopgamingcenter.com
email yaguild@tabletopgamingcenter.com
To sign up for the program please fill out this
form: https://forms.gle/MqncTTEQK3c5aqoU8
form: https://forms.gle/MqncTTEQK3c5aqoU8